Thursday, October 14, 2010

Homework for Monday, October 18th and Tuesday, October 19th

Due Monday, October 18th
Read and complete exercises on a separate piece of paper for Chapter 8, Past Tense Verbs, in Grammar Troublespots. (You will hand these in during lab.)

Write a reading response to A Chip of Glass Ruby. Post your reading response on the blog by Monday.

SUMMARY : Tell what happened in the story in your own words.  Your summary should be five to eight sentences long .
A PART YOU LIKED: In one sentence or two tell which part you liked and explain why it appealed to you.  You can choose one or more paragraphs of the story, a sentence, or even a phrase.  Write down the page number where this paragraph, sentence, or phrase appears so that you can read it to the other members of your group.
A PART YOU FOUND CONFUSING: This can be a sentence, a paragraph, or even an entire page.  If you found more than one part confusing, you should mention it as well.  Put the page number where this part appears.
QUESTIONS: You should ask at least two questions that occurred to you during or after you read the story.
INTERPRETATION: Your interpretation of the story is an explanation of what the story meant to you.  It’s your  analysis of the story.  You can talk about why you think the characters behaved the way they did or what you think the point of the story is.  You can also discuss broader issues raised  by the story.  

Due Tuesday, October 19th
Hand in your typed, revised exploration paper for Professor Mettler.

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